Nuts / Hygienic Design / stainless steel (Part Numbers)

Nuts / Hygienic Design / stainless steel
  • Volume Discount
・Finish: MT. matte (Ra < 0.8 µm), PL. polished (Ra < 0.8 µm)
・Material (Sealing ring): E. EPDM, H. H-NBR
・Thread d1: M4, M5, M6, M8, M10

Stainless steel nuts GN 1580 with H-NBR sealing ring are certified according to EHEDG guidelines and are therefore ideal for use in hygienic are-as. The sealed mounting surface enables components to be mounted without dead spaces. The high quality finish as well as the large corner radiand closed surfaces prevent adherence of dirt and facilitate cleaning.

Part Number

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Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Finish k d2 Weight
Material (Sealing ring) t Thread d1 d3 A/F

12.38 €

1 Available 7 Days PL. polished (Ra < 0.8 µm)121410.0E. EPDM7.5M 614.810


  1. 1

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