The director of SATELOG is convinced of MISUMI
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Vi håller på att översätta vår butik till svenska!
Men eftersom vi har många produkter och sidor tar det tid. Under tiden finns vår produktkatalog på engelska. Tack för ditt tålamod!
The special engineering company „SATELOG“ which stands for „Société d’Assistance Technique et Logistique“ has its headquarters in Champagné bei Le Mans, France since 1986.
SATELOG ́s activities focus on special engineering.The company with its 8 employees generates annual sales volume of 1.5 million euro.
It was founded in 1986 and produces special machines for various industrial sectors.
85 percent of SATELOG ́S customers are active in the automotive and food industries as well as in the medical sector. One of their biggest customers is an automotive supplier who utilises SATELOG machines in his global production facilities in Russia, Romania and Turkey. 90 percent of the machines of SATELOG are used abroad and even exported to China or Mexico.
Therefore it is important for SATELOG to have suppliers located worldwide in order to access the components needed quickly. A customer of SATELOG can obtain a replacement part worldwide on the basis of the unique MISUMI product code. The uniform product code makes the customer service for employees of SATELOG easier and saves the company time and money.
In order to work efficiently, SATELOG was looking for a supplier who provides parts around the world within short delivery times by using a uniform product code.
Since MISUMI fulfilled this requirement SATELOG opted for the Japanese company.
SATELOG was particularly enthusiastic about the product variety of MISUMI with 9 Million components.
In addition SATELOG is convinced of the reliable quality of MISUMI components. After the delivery of the machines the company never had to perform repairs.
MISUMI is in the meanwhile the main supplier of mechanical components for SATELOG. All design engineers order primarily from MISUMI – even external engineers who work from time to time for SATELOG use MISUMI components. The only exception is in case s when certain suppliers have to be used. SATELOG orders the products online on the quote and order system.
„We are glad to work with MISUMI. So far we have received only positive feedback from our customers!“ Jérôme Barré, Geschäftsleiter