Your web and technical information guide MISUMIWEBINDEX uk.misumi-ec.com/en/webindex/
Easy ways to search your product The MISUMI Web Index will help you in searching and finding the right produtcs. You can easily find, configure, download CAD data and order the desired product. Just follow our suggestions and connect to uk.misumi-ec.com/en/webindex/. Index by function Index by special material At a glance: MISUMI product line ups of non metal materials. Index by shape Products are listed based on shape and tolerance. Enter the TYPE CODE in the web search field. INFORMATION2 TYPE CODE SHAPE INFORMATION1 h9/h7/g6 #HFR - f8/g6/h5 #SFJ Hardened h7/h6 [H] Precision #KZAC - #SFJ Starting from linear motion, through rotary/ transmission, locating/positioning, general components till material and structural components. Spot your product and enter the TYPE CODE or the PRODUCT NAME in the web search field. Conveyor Roller Shaft Holders Rollers for Aluminum Extrusions Plastic Covers One-Sided Rollers for Aluminum Extrusions Protection Covers – For DoubleSurface Magnetic Catches with Adhesive Tape #HSMG Sealing Covers #HSCK Protection Covers #HSCD Panel Spacers #HSCS Antislip Covers #HSCG Slot Covers/Aluminum #HSCM Slot Covers - Elastomer #HSCB Slot Covers - Polyvinyl Chloride #HSCV Slot Covers/Sponge Type #HSCJ Slot Covers - Resin / Soft Resin #HSCA #SBC1 #HFBC #HCBM #HCBT #CBM #HSCA Slot Covers - Resin / Soft Resin Material Grade Color Sample Color Properties Product Categories Electric Properties Continuous Use Temperature °C Dimensional Stability Abrasion Resistance Sliding Properties Plate Round Bars Pipes Collars Washer Screw Standard / MC901 Blue Insulation -40~120 0 + + #MCA #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB - Standard / MC900NC Ivory Insulation -40~120 0 + + #MCA #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB - Sliding / MC703HL Purple Insulation -40~120 0 ++ ++ #MCA - - - - - High S / Dark Room C #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB MC Nylon® #CLJB
Get inspired! More than 200 applications examples are available online. Explore this library, download a bill of material and CAD data for an easy design. APPLICATION EXAMPLE - Transfer / Moving - No. Part Name MISUMI Part Number Qty 1 Miniature Linear Guides Standard Blocks SSEB20-100 2 2 Compact Cylinders MSCCA16 20 2 #IN141 Long Workpiece Retention Mechanism Lengthy workpiece held together by spring mechanism MISUMI Part list Application Overview Purpose = Secure and release lengthy workpieces without causing deformation. #IN141 The new cost ef cient product line up offers an extension of our product portfolio and provides more flexibility in terms of tolerance, load or lifetime. At a glance: all MISUMI actuators. Excellent price and performance, standard and covered type available. Technical supported products 1 Type Products Positioning Repeatability (mm) Max. Stroke (mm) Max. Velocity (mm/sec) Basic Dynamic Load Ratings (N) TYPE CODE LX series Standard/ Cover Type LX15 High Grade ±0.004 151.9 330 2072 #LX15 Precision Grade ±0.003 LX20 High Grade ±0.005 236.5 694 3277 #LX20 Precision Grade ±0.003 LX26 High Grade ±0.005 317 1040 6522 #LX26 Precision Grade ±0.003 LX30 High Grade ±0.005 529.5 830 Long Block 9732 #LX30 Precision Grade ±0.003 Short Block 6305 LX45 High Grade ±0.005 497.9 1110 Long Block 18450 #LX45 Precision Grade ±0.003 Short Block 11826 KU series Standard/ Cover Type KU (Rolled BS) ±0.085 ±0.08 ±0.05 ±0.03 610 1055 — #KUA KU (Precision BS) ±0.003 610 1556 — #KUA Product View Enter TYPE CODE to see product details. 6522 #LX26 Long Block 9732 #LX30 Short Block 6305 #LX26 2Cost Efficient Products dr L D D1 B W W Type Outer Cylinder Ball Retainer Ambient Operating Temp. "Accessory .Material IHardness .Material .Material C-LMU EN 1.3505 Equiv. 58HRC~ EN 1.3505 Equiv. Plastic -20~80°C Seal .Material Nitrile Rubber Part Number D L B W D1 Eccentricity (Max.) Rows of Balls Mass (g) Type dr Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance C-LMU 3 +0.003 -0.011 7 +0.006 -0.011 10 +0.1 -0.2 - - - - 0.016 4 1.4 4 8 12 - - 2 5 10 15 8 0 -0.4 1.1 9.6 4 6 +0.003 -0.012 12 +0.006 -0.013 19 +0.2 -0.4 11.3 11.5 0.024 8.5 8 15 24 15.3 14.3 17 10 19 +0.006 -0.015 29 19.4 1.3 18 31 12 21 30 20.4 20 41 13 23 32 22 46 16 28 37 23.3 1.6 27 73 20 +0.003 -0.013 32 +0.006 -0.018 42 27.3 30.5 0.030 5 98 25 40 59 +0.2 -0.5 37.3 0 -0.5 1.85 38 6 236 30 45 64 40.8 43 262 35 +0.003 -0.015 52 +0.006 -0.021 70 45.3 2.1 49 0.040 425 40 60 80 56.3 57 654 50 80 100 68.8 2.6 76.5 1700 2Single TYPE CODE #CLMU C-LMU -0.011 5 10 6 +0.003 -0.012 12 8 15 10 19 12 21 13 23 16 28 20 +0.003 -0.013 32 25 40 30 45 35 +0.003 -0.015 52 40 60 50 80 #CLMU Technical supported products 2 Application examples
3 PRODUCT LINE UP 1 Shafts P.5~ 6 Ball Splines / Miniature Ball Guides P.11~ 11 Slide Rails / Cable Carriers P.16~ 16 Cantilever Shafts / Pivot Pins / Fulcrum Pins P.21~ 21 Conveyors P.33~ 36 Contact Probes P.58~ 2 Shaft Supports P.7~ 7 Oil Free Bushings P.11~ 12 Ball Screws P.17~ 27 Gears P.40~ 32 Locating and Guide Components P.50~ 37 Standard / High Precision Stages P.60~ 3 Shaft Collars P.9~ 13 Support Units P.18~ 18 Bearings P.25~ 28 Sprockets / Chains P.41~ 33 Plungers P.51~ 38 Image Processing / Measurement Instruments / Mounting Parts P.65~ 9 Single Axis Actuators P.14~ 14 Lead Screws / Slide Screws P.19~ 19 Couplings P.28~ 34 Clamp Units / Toggle Clamps P.53~ 39 Sensors / Switches P.66~ 5 Linear Bushings with Housing Units P.10~ 10 Linear Guides P.14~ 15 Rotary Shafts P.20~ 20 Rollers & Conveyor Components P.29~ 25 Timing Belts P.38~ 30 Locating Bushings P.45~ 35 Inspection Components P.56~ 40 Posts / Strut Clamps / Stands P.67~ 4 Linear Bushings P.9~ 8 Single Axis Robots P.13~ 17 Bearings with Housings P.23~ 22 Pulleys / Idlers P.35~ 24 Timing Pulleys P.37~ 23 Flat Belts / Round Belts P.36~ 26 Mecha Locks P.40~ 29 Locating Pins P.42~ 31 Locating Pins for Jigs P.46~
4 PRODUCT LINE UP 41 Gussets / Angel Plates / Welded Steel Stands P.71~ 53 Accessories for Aluminum Extrusions P.106~ 67 Pipes / Fittings / Hoses / Valves P.124~ 72 Connecting Parts / Linkage Parts P.145~ 42 Washers / Collars / Shims P.72~ 54 Aluminum Extrusion Units - P.107~ 68 Sanitary Pipes / Vacuum Plumbing Parts / Tanks P.134~ 73 Heat Insulating Plates P.152~ 43 Screws / Washers / Nuts P.73~ 50 Urethanes / Rubbers / Sponges / Felts P.88~ 55 Factory Frames / Pipe Frames P.108~ 59 Adjustment Pads P.114~ 69 Tubes / Fittings / Suction Components P.137~ 46 Metal Plates P.84~ 44 Small Parts / Magnets P.79~ 51 Antivibration / Soundproof / Protection / Antistatic Measures / Brushes P.90~ 56 Cover Panels / Boards P.110~ 70 Nozzles P.143~ 47 Angles / Section Steels P.85~ 45 Round Bars / Rods / Pipes / Resin Rods P.83·85~ 52 Aluminum Frames / Extrusions & Brackets P.92~ 57 Transparent Resin / Glass / Mirrors / Engineered Plastic Plates P.111~ 66 Manifolds P.122~ 71 Cylinders / Floating Joints / Pushers P.144~ 74 Mounting Plates / Brackets P.153~ 49 Gas Springs P.87~ 58 Casters P.112~ 60 Levers P.115~ 61 Handles P.116~ 48 Springs / Shock Absorbers P.86~ 63 Pulls P.118~ 65 Door Parts P.121~ 64 Hinges P.120~ 62 Knobs P.117~
5 INDEX BY FUNCTION One End Two Tapped Holes #SFDG Hexagon Socket Type/One End Stepped/One End Threaded/One End Tapped #SFBH Retaining Ring Grooves on Both Ends #SFAR Ends Grooved/Threaded/Tapped/ Stepped #SFJQ Ends Threaded/Tapped/Stepped/Fully Plated #PSFC One End Stepped and Threaded #SFAF One End Threaded with Undercut and Wrench Flats/Cross-Drilled Hole #SAFS One End Stepped/One End Threaded #SFAB One End Threaded with Undercut #SAFN One End Threaded/One End Tapped with Wrench Flats/Cross-Drilled Hole #SFAS One End Threaded/Thread Dia. Equal to Shaft Dia. #SFAQ Both Ends Threaded Shafts with Undercut and Cross-Drilled Hole/ Wrench Flats #SAFU One End Threaded #SFAN Both Ends Threaded with Undercuts #SAFM Both Ends Threaded with Wrench Flats/Cross-Drilled Hole #SFAU Both Ends Threaded/Thread Dia. Equal to Shaft Dia. #SFAL One End Stepped and Threaded One End Tapped #SFAY Both Ends Threaded #SFAM One End Threaded/One End Tapped with Undercut and Wrench Flats/ Cross-Drilled Hole #SAFZ One End Threaded/One End Tapped with Undercut #SAFD One End Threaded/One End Tapped #SFAD One End Stepped and Tapped with Wrench Flats #SFPG One End Threaded/One End Tapped with Cross-Drilled Hole/Wrench Flats #SFAZ One End Stepped and Tapped/One End Stepped #SFAC One End Stepped/Both Ends Tapped with Wrench Flats #SFUP Both Ends Stepped and Tapped with Wrench Flats #SFHU Both Ends Stepped and Tapped/Both Ends Stepped #SFAH One End Stepped/Both Ends Tapped/ One End Stepped/One End Tapped #SFAA One End Tapped/Both End Tapped/Full Length Case Hardened #SFAT One End Tapped with Cross-Drilled Hole/Wrench Flats #SFHC Both Ends Tapped with Cross-Drilled Hole/Wrench Flats #SFHZ Both Ends Tapped #SFJW One End Tapped #SFJT Straight #SFJ Linear Shafts
6 INDEX BY FUNCTION Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount Type with Slit and Dowel Holes #STH2 Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount Type with Slit and Pilot #STH3 Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount Type with Slit #STHW Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount Type #STH1 Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount with Dowel Holes #STHC Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount/Thick Sleeve #ATHC Shaft Supports Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount Type with Pilot #STHI Hollow/Both Ends Configurable #FSPJ Both Ends Configurable #FSFJ Hollow/One End Stepped One End Tapped #SPJA Hollow/Both Ends Stepped #SPJQ Continuous Support #SFAE Hollow/One End Stepped #SPJG Hollow with Wrench Flats/One End Threaded #SPJN Hollow/One End Threaded One End Tapped #SPJD Hollow/Both Ends Threaded #SPJM Hollow with Wrench Flats/Both Ends Tapped #SPJW Hollow with Wrench Flats/One End Tapped #SPJT Hollow/Straight #SPJ Precision/One End Threaded/One End Threaded with Wrench Flats #VFBN Precision/Both Ends Threaded w Undercuts/Both Ends Threaded w Undercuts and Wrench Flats #VAFM Precision/One End Threaded with Undercut/Wrench Flats #VAFN Precision/Both Ends Threaded/Both Ends Threaded with Wrench Flats #VFBM Precision/One End Threaded #VFAD Precision/One End Threaded One End Tapped/One End Threaded One End Tapped w Wrench Flats #VFAZ Precision/One End Stepped and Tapped/One End Stepped and Tapped with Wrench Flats #VFAG Precision/One End Threaded One End Tapped with Undercut or with Undercut and Wrench Flats #VAFD Precision/One End Stepped/Both Ends Tapped w/o Wrench Flats/One End Stepped #VFAA Precision/Both Ends Stepped and Tapped/Both Ends Stepped and Tapped with Wrench Flats #VFAH Precision/Both Ends Tapped/Both Ends Tapped with Wrench Flats #VFJW One End Tapped Pilot #SFIG Precision/One End Tapped/One End Tapped with Wrench Flats #VFJC One End Tapered/One End Tapped/ One End Stepped and Tapped/One End Threaded #SFLU Key Groove on One End #SFAK Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration
7 INDEX BY FUNCTION Shaft Supports/L-Shaped/Slit #SHK3 Shaft Supports/L-Shaped #SHK2 Shaft Supports/L-Shaped/Side Slit #SHK4 Shaft Supports/Hinged Type #SHKH Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Hinged Type #SHHT Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Slit Type with Clamp Lever #SHM2 Shaft Supports/Split Type #SHMP Shaft Supports/T-Shaped with Clamp Lever #SHS4 Shaft Supports/Compact/Standard/ Side Slit Type #SHMW Shaft Supports/Compact/Wide Standard Type #SHMT Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Wide Split Type #SHP2 Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Side Slit/ Precision #SHPT Shaft Supports/Compact/T-Standard Type #SHM3 Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Wide/Side Slit #SHW2 Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Side Slit #SHWT Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Slit Type #SHST Shaft Supports/T-Shaped Type/Wide #SHTB Shaft Supports/T-Shaped Type/Wide with Slit #SHS3 Shaft Supports/T-Shaped/Set Screw Type #SHTA Shaft Supports/T-Shape/Cast/Split #SHT4 Shaft Supports/Compact/Cast/ T-Shape/Side Slit #SHT3 Shaft Supports/Cast/T-Shaped/Side Slit #SHTC Shaft Supports/Cast/T-Shaped/Split #SHTD Shaft Supports/Cast/T-Shaped #SHT2 Shaft Supports/Cast/T-Shaped/Wide Slit Type #SHAN Shaft Supports/Flanged/Long Holder/ Cast #SHFL Shaft Supports/Flanged/Slit/Precision Cast #SHF Shaft Supports/Cast/T-Shaped/Slit #SHA Shaft Supports/Flanged/Split Type/ Round Flange #STHP Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount Type/ Back Mount #STHX Shaft Supports/Compact Type with Slit #STHM Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount with Dowel Holes #STH5 Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount Type with Keyway #STH4 Shaft Supports/Flanged Mount with Slit #STH6 Shaft Supports
8 INDEX BY FUNCTION Shaft Collars/Insert Lock Type/2 Holes/ Threads #SCWM Shaft Collars/Split #SCS2 Shaft Collars/With Clamp Lever/Wedge Type/D Cut #SCWD Shaft Collars/3 Holes/3 Tapped Holes #SCST Shaft Collars/2 Tapped Holes #SCSM Shaft Collars/Set Screw/with 2 Holes #SCMN Shaft Collars/For Bearing Mounting/ Clamp Type/Compact/Short Shoulder #SCBN Shaft Collars/With Counterbored Holes #SCSG Shaft Collars/For Bearing Mounting/Set Screw Type/Compact/Short Shoulder #SCBR Shaft Collars/Split Threaded Inserts/ Aluminum #SCNP Shaft Collars/Split/Plastic #SCS3 Shaft Collars/Clamp/Threaded Inserts/ Plastic #SCS1 Shaft Collars/Clamp/Threaded Inserts/ Aluminum #SCSA Shaft Collars/Compact with Urethane/ Split #SCSD Shaft Collars/Compact with Urethane/ Clamp #SCD Shaft Collars/Clamp/Compact/ Standard #SCS Shaft Collars/Set Screw Mounted/ Standard/Compact #SCC Shaft Collars/Split/Standard #SCSP Shaft Collars Shaft Supports/Side Mount/Split Type #SHZA Shaft Supports/Side Mount/Slit Type #SHYA Shaft Supports/Side Mount #SHQB Shaft Supports/Side Mount/Side Slit Type #SHUA Shaft Supports/Bottom Mount/Side Slit #SHSW Shaft Supports/Bottom Mount/Wide Split Type #SHSN Shaft Supports/Bottom Mount/Wide/ Slit Type #SHS2 Shaft Supports/Bottom Mount/Slit #SHSB Shaft Supports/Bottom Mount/Split #SHSP Shaft Supports/Bottom Mount/Wide #SHB2 Shaft Supports/Bottom Mount #SHBM Shaft Supports/Cast/L-Shaped/Side Slit #SHKW Shaft Supports/Cast/L-Shaped/Slit Type #SHKS Shaft Supports/Cast/L-Shaped/Split #SHKB Shaft Supports/Cast/L-Shaped #SHKL Shaft Supports/L-Shaped/Split #SHKP Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration
9 INDEX BY FUNCTION Flanged Linear Bushing/Long Body with Long Pilot #LHKM Flanged Linear Bushings/Long Body with Pilot #LHKC Linear Bushings/Standard/Single #LMU Flanged Linear Bushings Medium/ Center Flanged #LHMC Flanged Linear Bushings Pilot with Center Flange #LHIC Flanged Linear Bushings/Compact Type/Single #LHRK Flanged Linear Bushings/Center Flange #LHMW Flanged Linear Bushings #LHFD Flanged Linear Bushings Double Bushings with Pilot #LHIW Flanged Linear Bushing/Single Bushings with Pilot #LHIF Flanged Linear Bushings/Double Type #LHFW Flanged Linear Bushings/Single Type/ Cost Efficient Product #CLHFR Flanged Linear Bushings/Double Type/ Cost Efficient Product #LHFRW Flanged Linear Bushings/Single Type #LHFC Linear Bushings Shaft Collars/With Key Groove/Slit #SCSK Shaft Collars/With Key Groove/Set Screw #SCKS Shaft Collars/Threaded I. D./Slit #SCSN Shaft Collars/Threaded I. D./Setscrew #SCCN Shaft Collars/2-Flats/Cut Surface Mount Hole #SCPK Shaft Collars/Hinged #SCSH Shaft Collars/One Touch #WSC Shaft Collars/2-Flats/Cut Surface Mount Hole #SCJN Shaft Collars/Side Mounting Holes/ Split #SCJP Shaft Collars/D Cut/Compact/Split #SDN Shaft Collars/D Cut/Compact/Clamp #SDS Shaft Collars/Side Mounting Holes/ Clamp #SCJS Shaft Collars/D Cut/Set Screw #SDSN Shaft Collars/With Clamp Lever/Side Mounting Holes #SCJK Shaft Collars/With Clamp Lever/ Standard #SCKL Shaft Collars/With Clamp Lever/Wedge Type/Side Mounting Holes #SCWJ Shaft Collars/With Clamp Lever/D Cut #SCDK Shaft Collars/Insert Lock Type/3 Holes/ Threads #SCWR Shaft Collars
10 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Shafts for Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Sets #BGBP Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Sets/With Retaining Ring #BGSZ Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Sets/With Retaining Ring #BGST Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Sets/Both Ends Tapped #BGY Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Sets/One End Tapped Hollow #BGA Ball Guides Flanged Linear Ball Bushings #LBHR Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Sets #BGZ Short Stroke Ball Bushings/Single/ Double #LBUS Bushing Housing with Lubrication Unit/ Wide Block Single Type #LHBM Flanged Linear Bushing with Lubrication Unit MX/Double Bushing with Pilot #LHIX Flanged Linear Bushing with Lubrication Unit MX/Single Bushing with Pilot #LHIM Bushing Housing with Lubrication Unit/ Tall Block Single Type #LHSM Flanged Linear Bushing/Center Flanged/With Lubrication Unit MX #LHMM Flanged Linear Bushing/Double Bushing/With Lubrication Unit MX #LHFM Bushing With Lubrication Unit MX/ Single Bushing #LMUM Stoppers for Linear Bushings #LMST Linear Bushings with Lubrication Unit/ Flanged/Single #LHFX Spacers for Linear Bushings #LBS Height Adjust Spacer for Linear Bushings #LCSC Bushing Pillow Block with Clamp Levers/Wide Block Single Type #LHBBC Bushing with Clamp/Pillow Block Style Single Type #LHSL Flanged Linear Bushings with Clamp Lever #LHRC Shaft-sliding Linear Bushings with Pillow Blocks/Single/Double #LHGS Linear Bushings with Pillow Blocks/ Long Block #LHSD Linear Bushings with Pillow Blocks/ Single Bushings #LHSS Linear Bushings with Pillow Blocks/ Long/Wide Block #LHBBW Linear Bushings with Pillow Blocks/ Double Bushings #LHSW Bushings with Pillow Blocks/Single Bushing/Wide Block #LHBB Linear Bushings/Compact/Short #LMK Linear Bushings/Short #LMUT Linear Bushings/Double Type/Cost Efficient Product #CLMUW Linear Bushings/Special Length #LMUD Linear Bushings/Standard/Double #LMUW Linear Bushings/Single Type/Cost Efficient Product #CLMU
11 INDEX BY FUNCTION Oil Free Bushings/Flange Integrated/ Pilot/Round/Compact Flanged #MPIZ Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/ Flanged/I.D.F7&I.D.G6 #MPTZ Oil Free Bushings/Flange Integrated/ Center/Round/Compact Flanged #MPCZ Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/Thrust Type #MPGZ Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/ Flanged/Thin Wall #MPFU Oil Free Bushings/I.D. E7/Cooper Alloy #MPBR Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/Thin Wall/I.D. F7/O.D. m6 #MPBU Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/ Standard/I.D.G6/O.D.h6 #MPBP Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/ Flanged/Cost Efficient Product #CMPF Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/ Flanged #MPFZ Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/ Standard/I.D. F7/O.D. m6 #MPBZ Oil Free Bushings, Washers Oil Free Bushings/Copper Alloy/ Standard/I.D. F7/O.D. m6/Cost Efficient Product #CMP Needle Bearing Guide Sets #RGPF Ball Splines/One End Stepped and Threaded #BSKM One End Threaded/One End Stepped and Threaded/One End Tapped #BSBM Ball Splines/Both Ends Stepped Tapped #BSLM Ball Splines/Both Ends Stepped and Threaded #BSYM Ball Splines/One End Stepped #BSDM Ball Splines/Both Ends Stepped #BSJM Ball Splines/Both Ends Tapped #BSHM Ball Splines/Standard #BHSM Ball Splines/Both Ends Tapped #BSFM Spline Shafts Miniature Ball Bearing Guide/Ball Slider Compact Type #BYS Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Components/Flanged Bushings #BGHT Shafts for Miniature Ball Bearing Guide/with Retaining Ring Grooves #BGB Miniature Ball Bearing Guide Components/Ball Slider #BGS Shafts for Miniature Ball Bearing Guides/Both Ends Machined/Both Ends Tapped Hollow #BGCP Shafts f Miniature Ball Bearing Guides/Both Ends Machined/One End Threaded One End Tapped #BGHP Shafts for Miniature Ball Bearing Guides/One End Machined/One End Tapped Hollow #BGAP Shafts for Miniature Ball Bearing Guides/One End Machined/One End Threaded #BGEP Shafts for Miniature Ball Bearing Guides/Both Ends Machined/Both Ends Tapped #BGFP Shafts for Miniature Ball Bearing Guides/One End Machined/One End Tapped #BGDP Ball Guides
12 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration L-Gibs/Lubrication-Free Copper Alloy #GRMZ L-Gibs/Steel/Oil Groove #GRRM L-Gibs/Plastic #GRRP L-Gibs/Standard/With Dowel Hole #GRR1 Oil Free Plates, Guide Rails Oil Free Bushing with Housing Units #JFBA Oil Free Bushings/PTFE Resin Type/ Flanged #TFZF Oil Free Bushings/Polyacteal/Flanged #JFMA Oil Free Bushings/PTFE Resin Type/ Straight #TFZB Oil Free Bushings/Polyacetal Resin Type/Flanged #JZF Oil Free Bushings/Polyacetal Resin Type/Straight #JZB Oil Free Resin Washers #JZW Oil Free Bushing Pillow Blocks/MultiLayer/Wide Block #MDWB Oil Free Bushing Pillow Blocks/Tall Block Compact Type #MDBC Oil Free Bushings/Multi Layer/Square Flange #MDCA Precision Oil Free Bushings/MultiLayer #BFLB Oil Free Bushing Pillow Blocks/MultiLayer/Tall Block #MDBA Thrust Washers/Multi-Layer #MDZW Oil Free Metal Bushings/Flanged #SMZH Metal Bushings/Housed #MHSR Multi-Layer Bushings/Straight #MDZB Multi-Layer Bushings/Flanged #MDZF Oil Free Metal Bushings #SMZ Oil Free Bushing Pillow Blocks/Wide Block/Single Bushing #MHCA Oil Free Bushing Pillow Blocks/Wide Block Compact/Single Type #MHUA Oil Free Bushing Pillow Blocks/Tall Block/Compact/Single Type #MHUT Oil Free Bushing Pillow Blocks/Tall Block/Single Bushing #MHCT Oil Free Bushings/Flanged/Pilot Type/ Square Flange/Single Bushing #MFIM Oil Free Bushings/Flanged Type/ Standard #MFMS Oil Free Bushings/Bronze with Flange/ Mounting Holes Type #SHTZ Oil Free Bushings/Bronze/Flanged #SHFZ Oil Free Bushings/Flanged/Housings/ Center Flange/Square #MFCK Oil Free Bushings/O.D. m6/Bronze/ Straight #SHBR Oil Free Copper Alloy Washers #MPWZ
13 INDEX BY FUNCTION Single Axis Robots RSD1/Rod Type #RSD1 Single Axis Robots RS3 Motor Wrap #RS3R Single Axis Robots RSD2/Rod Type #RSD2 Single Axis Robots RS3/Linear #RS3 Single Axis Robots RS2/Motor Wrap #RS2R Single Axis Robots RS1/Motor Wrap #RS1R Single Axis Robots RS1/Linear #RS1 Single Axis Robots RS2/Linear #RS2 Single Axis Actuators LX45/Motor Folded Type #LXR45 Single Axis Actuators LX30/Motor Folded Type #LXR30 Motor Driven Single Axis Actuators LX45 Standard/Cover Type #LXM45 Single Axis Actuators LX45 Standard/ Cover Type #LX45 Motor Adapter Plates/Motor Adapter Centering Tools for LX45 #JIG4 Jigs for Motor Mount/LX30 #JIG3 Motor Driven Single Axis Actuators LX30 Standard/Cover Type #LXM30 Motor Adapter Plates/Motor Adapter Centering Tools for LX26 Actuator #JIGX Motor Driven Single Axis Actuators LX26 Standard/Cover Type #LXM26 Single Axis Acutator LX30/Standard Type #LX30 Single Axis Actuators LX26 Standard/ Cover Type #LX26 Motor Adapter Plates/Motor Adapter Centering Tools for LX20 #JIGL Single Axis Actuators LX20 Standard/ Cover Type #LX20 Single Axis Actuators LX15 Standard/ Cover Type #LX15 Motor Driven Single Axis Actuators LX20 Standard/Cover Type #LXM20 Actuators Gibs #SGRA Oil Free Slide Plates/Copper Alloy #STW Oil Free Slide Plates/Copper Alloy (Upper-Lower Surface Ground) #UTW Oil Free Slide Plates/Multi-Layer #GRFZ Oil Free Slide Plates/Copper Alloy Configurable Type #GRPZ Oil Free Slide Plates/Copper Alloy (Upper-Lower Surface Ground) #STRL L-Gibs/Copper Alloy/Length&Screw Hole Pitch Configurable #GRMF Oil Free Copper Alloy/Steel #SGRM Gibs/Block #SLD L-Gibs/Length&Screw Hole Pitch Configurable #GRRF Oil Free Plates, Guide Rails On Request On Request On Request On Request
14 INDEX BY FUNCTION Miniature Linear Guides/Standard Block with Dowel Holes #SEBN Miniature Linear Guides/Standard Blocks/Light Preload #SEB Miniature Linear Guides/Long Blocks/ Light Preload #SELB Miniature Linear Guides with LTBC Plating #REB Linear Guides Precision Ball Screws/Cover Type #KUAC Single Axis Units Rolled Ball Screws/ Precision Ball Screws #KUA Data Storage Batteries for Single Axis Robot Controllers EXRS-C21/22 #EBA1 Power Cables for Single Axis Robot Controllers EXRS-C21/C22 #ECM1 Power/Signal-Integrated Cables for Single Axis Robot Controllers EXRS-CT #ECT1 Noise Filters for Single Axis Robots RS Series #ENF1 Instruction Manual for Single Axis Robot RS Series #EKE1 RSDG1 Series Rod Type Dedicated Feet and Flanges #EHP1 Daisy-Chain Connection Cables for Single Axis Robots #ECD1 Support Software for Single Axis Robot RS Series #EST Lubrication Nozzles for Single Axis Robots RS Series #ENZ1 I/O Cables for Single Axis Robot RS/ RSH/RSF/RSB Series #ECB1 Handset Terminals for Single Axis Robots RS Series #EH1 Single Axis Robot RSH1/2/3 Series Contoller #E21A Single Axis Robot RS/RSD1/2/3 Series Contoller #EC1 Pulse Train Type Controllers dedicated for Single Axis Robots #EP1 Single Axis Robots RSB2/Belt Type #RSB2 Single Axis Robots RSB1/Belt Type #RSB1 Single Axis Robots RSH5/Linear #RSH5 Single Axis Robots RSH4/Linear #RSH4 Single Axis Robots RSF4/Linear/ Narrow Type #RSF4 Single Axis Robot RSH3 #RSH3 Single Axis Robot RSH2 #RSH2 Rod Type with Support Guide #RSDG3 Rod Type with Support Guide #RSDG2 Single Axis Robot RSH1 #RSH1 Rod Type with Support Guide #RSDG1 Single Axis Robots RSD3/Rod Type #RSD3 Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration
15 INDEX BY FUNCTION Clamping Units for Medium/Heavy Load Linear Guides #SVCK Linear Guide Clamps For Miniature Linear Guides #SECK Height Adjusting Blocks for Linear Guide Economy #LGBE Linear Guides/Heavy Load/Dust Resistant #SXRD Linear Guides/Medium Load/Dust Resistant #SVRD Miniature Linear Guides/Heat Resistant Type #SSEB Linear Guides for Medium Load/Dowel Hole #SVRN Miniature Linear Guides/Dust-proof Standard Blocks/Light Preload/ Advanced Selectable L #SEBD Linear Guide Blocks/Ultra Heavy Load/ Stainless Steel/With Resin Retainer #SSHR Linear Guide Blocks/Heavy Load/ Stainless Steel/With Resin Retainer #SSXR Linear Guides for Medium and Heavy Load/Stainless Steel Type #SSVR Linear Guides for Extra Super Heavy Load/Normal Clearance/Cost Efficient Product #CSR Linear Guide Blocks/Medium Load/ Stainless Steel/With Resin Retainer #SSRZ Linear Guides/Extra Super Heavy Load/With Resin Retainer #SERB Linear Guides for Super Heavy Load/ Normal Clearance/Cost Efficient Product #CSH Linear Guide Blocks/Heavy Load/With Resin Retainer #SXRB Linear Guides for Heavy Load/Normal Clearance/Cost Efficient Product #CSX Linear Guide Blocks/Ultra Heavy Load/ With Resin Retainer #SHRB Linear Guides/Heavy Load #SXR Linear Guide Blocks/Medium Load/ With Resin Retainer #SRZL Linear Guides for Medium Load #SVR Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Rails/ Long Wide Block #SEL2 Linear Guides for Medium Load/Normal Clearance/Cost Efficient Product #CSV Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Rails/ Long Block with Dowel Holes #SEL3 Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Rails/ Long Blocks/Light Preload #SELW Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Rails/ Standard Block with Dowel Holes #SEB3 Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Rails/ Standard Blocks/Light Preload #SEBW Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Rails/ Wide Block #SEB2 Miniature Linear Guides/Extra Long Block/Light Preload/Advanced Class/L Configurable #SECB Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Long Block #SELM Miniature Linear Guides/Short Block with Dowel Holes #SEB1 Miniature Linear Guides/Short Block #SEBS Miniature Linear Guides/Wide Block #SEBM Miniature Linear Guides/Long Block with Dowel Holes #SEL1 Linear Guides
16 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Simplified Slide Rails/Aluminum/Oil Free #SROM Slide Packs, V Guides, Linear Rails Simplified Slide Rails/Stainless Steel Retainer Type Sets #KSRM Telescopic Slide Rails/Two-Step Heavy Load/Stainless Steel Type #SSRH Telescopic Slide Rails/Stainless Steel With Lock Mechanism #SSRR Telescopic Slide Rails/With Lock Mechanism #SRR3 Telescopic Slide Rails/Stainless Steel/ Medium Load/Three Step Slide #SSR3 Telescopic Slide Rails/Heavy Load/ Three Step Slide #SRH1 Telescopic Slide Rails/Medium Load/ Steel/Three Step Slide #SRX3 Telescopic Slide Rails/Stainless Steel/ Medium Load/Two Step Slide #SSRN Telescopic Slide Rails/Stainless Steel/ Light Load #SSRX Telescopic Slide Rails/Light Load/ Three Step Slide #SRXY Telescopic Slide Rails/Medium Load/ Steel/Two Step Slide #SR36 Telescopic Slide Rails/Light Load #SSRP Telescopic Slide Rails/Light Load/Two Step Slide #SRY2 Telescopic Slide Rails/Aluminum Alloy/ Light Load/Two Step #SAR2 Telescopic Slide Rails Telescopic Slide Rails/Three-Step/ Light Load/Aluminum Alloy #SAR3 Ball Slide Guides/With Counterbored Holes and Tapped Holes #BSG Cross Roller Guides #CRV Cross Roller Tables/With Counterbored Holes&Tapped Holes #CRT Cross Rollers Cross Roller Tables #CRU Linear Guide Lock Plates/Counterbored #LLKA Linear Lock Lock Units #LLTG Linear Guide Lock Plates/Threaded #LLPU Simplified Linear Locks #LLTA Linear Guide Lock Plates/Grooved #LLPL Linear Locks #LLT Linear Guide Adjustment Units #SGU Linear Guide Block Stopper Plates #SVP Stopper Bolts for Linear Guides #SBLT Slide Guide Mounting Hole Caps (Pack) #PSGL Height Adjusting Blocks for Miniature Linear Guides #GETA Height Adjusting Blocks for Linear Guides #BETA
17 INDEX BY FUNCTION Rolled Ball Screws/Compact Nut/Shaft Dia. 15/Lead 5/10 #BC15 Rolled Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. Ø12/Lead 4/10/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051 Compliant] #CC12 Rolled Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 15/Lead 5,10 or 20 #BR15 Rolled Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 12 or 14/Lead 4,5 or10 #BR12 Rolled Ball Screws/Compact Nut/Shaft Dia. 12/Lead 4 #BC12 Rolled Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 10/Lead 2/4 or 10 #BR10 Rolled Ball Screws/Compact Nut/Shaft Dia. 10/Lead 4 #BC10 Rolled Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 10/Lead 2/4/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051 Compliant] #CC10 Rolled Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 8/Lead 2/Cost Efficient Product #CC08 Rolled Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 8/ Lead 2 or 4 #BR08 Ball Screws Cable Carrier Supporter Channels #CBC Rolled Ball Screws/Compact Nuts/ Shaft Dia. 8/Lead 2 #BC08 Cable Carriers/Low Friction/Low Noise Type #MPSP Cable Carriers/Low Dust Raise/Low Noise #MPSC Cable Carriers/Flap Open-Close Type (Cable Carrier+Mounting Brackets) #MHPU Cable Carriers/Compact Type #MHPK Cable Carriers/Flap Open-Close Full Cover Type #FHPS Cable Carriers/Slit Type #SE14 Cable Carriers V Guide Systems/71° Type Wheels/ Double Sided Track/Stainless Steel Rails #MVR V Guide Systems/70° Type Wheels/ Short #MVH V Guide System Units/Set #BVGU V Guide Systems/Double Sided Tracks #BVGR V Guide Systems/Bushing #BVGB V Guide Systems/Stainless Steel Wheel #BVGH V Guide Systems/Track/With Mounting Hole/L Configurable #BVGT Simplified Linear Guides/Steel/With Ball Rollers #BJKR Simplified Slide Rails/Aluminum Block&Rail with Ball Bearings #JKSC Simplified Slide Rails/Aluminum/With Ball Bearing #KSRL Linear Slide Rails Preload Type/ Stainless Steel Bearing #PLRC Simplified Slide Rails/Aluminum/ Bearing Type #KSR Roller Slide Rails #RSR Slide Packs, V Guides, Linear Rails
18 INDEX BY FUNCTION Support Units/Round/Support Side/ Cost Efficient Product #CB2 Support Units/Round/Support Side Standard #BUR Support Units/Square/Fixed Side/ Compact #BSQ Support Units/Round/Fixed Side/Cost Efficient Product #CBR Support Units/Round/Fixed Side #BRW Support Units/Square/Fixed Side/ Mounting Hole Narrow Pitch/Cost Efficient Product #CBW Support Units/Square/Support Side/ Cost Efficient Product #CBU Support Units/Square/Support Side/ Mounting Hole Narrow Pitch/Cost Efficient Product #CBN Support Units/Square/Support Side Standard #BUN Support Units/Square/Fixed Side/Cost Efficient Product #CBS Support Units Ball Screw Nut Brackets/Block Style/ Standard #BNFA Support Units/Square/Fixed Side #BSW Precision Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 25/Lead 5/10/25/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051Compliant] #CS25 Precision Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 25/Lead 5/10 or 20 #BS25 Precision Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 20/Lead 5/10/20 or 40 #BS20 Precision Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 15/Lead 5/10/20/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051Compliant] #CS15 Precision Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 20/Lead 5/10/20/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051Compliant] #CS20 Precision Ball Screws/Thread Diameters 15/Lead 5/10/20 or 40 #BS15 Precision Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 12/Lead 2/5/10/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051 Compliant] #CS12 Precision Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 10/Lead 2/4/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051 Compliant] #CS10 Precision Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 10/Lead 2/4 or 10 #BS10 Precision Ball Screws/Thread Diameters 12/Lead 2/4/5 or 10 #BS12 Precision Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. Ø8/ Lead 2/Cost Efficient Product #CS08 Precision Ball Screws/Shaft Diameter 6 or 8/Lead 1 or 2 #BSS0 Rolled Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 15,20 or 25/Lead 5 or 10 #BSBR Rolled Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 28 or 32/Lead 6,10 or 32 #BSSR Rolled Ball Screws/Shaft Ends Configurable/Standard Nuts #FBSS Rolled Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 25/Lead 5/10/25/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051 Compliant] #CC25 Rolled Ball Screws/Diameter 25/Lead 5,10 or25/C7 or C10 #BSST Rolled Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 20/Lead 5/10/20/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051 Compliant] #CC20 Rolled Ball Screws/Thread Diameter 20/Lead 5/10 or 20 #BR20 Rolled Ball Screws/Compact Nut/Shaft Dia. 25/Lead 5 #BC25 Rolled Ball Screws/Compact Nut/Shaft Dia. 20/Lead 5/10 #BC20 Rolled Ball Screws/Shaft Dia. 15/Lead 5/10/20/Cost Efficient Product[DIN69051 Compliant] #CC15 Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration
19 INDEX BY FUNCTION Resin Lead Screw Nuts #MTSF Resin Lead Screw Nuts/Heavy Load Type #MTS3 Block Style Nuts for Lead Screws/Tall Block #MTSN Lead Screw Nuts/Straight #MTSS Oil Free Lead Screw Nuts/Flanged #MTSM Nuts for Lead Screws/Round Flanged/ Tapped Holes/Right-Hand Thread #MTSE Lead Screw Nuts/Fine Pitch Flanged Nut #MTRF Lead Screw Nuts/Anti-Basklash Type #MTBL Nuts for Lead Screws/Round Flanged/ Slotted Holes/Right-Hand Thread #MTSQ Nuts for Lead Screws/Round Flanged/ Pilot/Right-Hand Thread #MTS5 Lead Screw Support Units/Round/ Support Side #MRUZ Lead Screw Support Units/Round/ Fixed Side Radial Bearing Type #MRWZ Nuts for Lead Screws/Compact/Round Flanged #MTSC Lead Screws Support Side Support Units #MTUZ Lead Screws Fixed Side Support Units #MTWZ Lead Screws, Slide Screws Spacers for Ball Screw Support Units #BUSC Lead Screws For Support Units #MTWK Stopper for Ball Screws #BSTP Joint Units For Ball Screws and Motors #BJS Support Units/Round/Fixed Side/Radial Bearings/Economy #BRWZ Support Units/Round/Fixed Side/ Economy #BRWE Support Units/Round/Support Side Retaining Ring #BTR Support Units/Fixed Side/Radial Bearing #BSWZ Support Units/Square/Fixed Side/ Economy #BSWE Support Units with Dampers/Square/ Support Side #BUND Support Units/Square/Fixed Side/with Dowel holes #BSWG Support Units/Square/Support Side Retaining Ring #BTN Standard Units with Dampers/Square/ Fixed Side/Economy #BSWD Support Units/Square Type/Support Side/Mounting Hole Narrow Pitch #BUA Support Units/Square/Support Side/ Compact/ Low Profile #BUQ Support Units/Square/Fixed Side 4 Mounting Holes #BSA Support Units/Square/Support Side/ Low Profile #BUV Support Units/Square/Fixed Side/Low Profile #BSV Support Units
20 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Rotary Shafts/Retaining Ring Grooves on Both Ends #SFRR Rotary Shafts/Straight with Key Grooves #SFGK Rotary Shafts/Retaining Ring Grooves on Both Ends and Key Grooves #SFGR Rotary Shafts/Straight #HFR Rotary Shafts, Drive Shafts Miniature Slide Screws/Both Ends Stepped #MSSW Miniature Lead Screws with Nuts/ Straight #MSSR Miniature Slide Screws/One End Stepped #MSSA Stop Plates for Lead Screws/Square #MTSB Stop Plates for Lead Screws/Round/ Flanged #MTQA Couplings for Tubes/Straight #MTQD Stop Plate Sets for Lead Screw/2 Screw Mount Type #MTSWB Clamp Plates for Compact Positioning Indicator with Lever #DPNB Clamp plates for Compact Positioning Indicator with Lever and Bearing #DPNK Clamp Plates for Large Positioning Indicators with Lever #DPQK Digital Positioning Indicators/Vertical Spindle Type #DPTL Clamp Plates for Large Positioning Indicators with Lever and Bearing #DPQB Digital Positioning Indicators/Front Spindle Type #DPML Digital Positioning Indicators/Standard Splindle #DPNL Large Digital Positioning Indicators Front Type #DPRL Large Digital Positioning Indicators Standard Type #DPLL Large Digital Positioning Indicators Vertical Type #DPZL Lead Screws/Straight/Right and LeftHand Thread #MTSW Lead Screws/Straight #MTSR Lead Screws/One End Double Stepped #MTS2 Lead Screws/One End Stepped #MTSRA Lead Screws/Both Ends Double Stepped #MTSX Lead Screws/Right and Left-Hand Thread/Center h7/One End Stepped/ One End Double Stepped #MTSA Lead Screws/One End Stepped/One End Double Stepped #MTSK Lead Screws/Multi-Pitch/Both Ends Stepped #MTS1 Spacers for Wide Block #MTKL Lead Screws/Right and Left-Hand Thread/Center h7/Both Ends Stepped #MTS4 Lead Screw Nut Brackets #DNBA Block Style Lead Screw Nuts/Wide Block #MTSH
21 INDEX BY FUNCTION Cantilever Shafts/Hexagon/Threaded/ w Retaining Ring Groove #LXAA Cantilever Shafts/Stepped/Threaded/ w Retaining Ring Groove #FXBA Cantilever Shafts/Standard/Threaded/ w Tapped End #FXAB Cantilever Shafts/Standard/Threaded/ w Retaining Ring Groove #FXAA Cantilever Shafts Drive Shafts/Flanged Type #KZEC Drive Shafts/One End Stepped/One End Double Stepped Type #KZDC Drive Shafts/One End Stepped with Flange #KZFC Drive Shafts/Both Ends Stepped Type #KZCC Drive Shafts/One End Stepped Type #KZBC Rotary Shafts/End Shape Selectable #SFR1 Rotary Shafts/For Tension/Push Type/ Pull Type #SFMR Drive Shafts/Straight #KZAC Rotary Shafts/For Tension #SFRT Rotary Shafts/D Cut #SFRV Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Double Stepped #SFRJ Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Stepped/One End Threaded/One End Tapped #SFRB Hollow Rotary Shafts/Straight #PFR Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Stepped/One End Threaded #SFRE Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Stepped with Retaining Ring Groove #SFRZ Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Stepped and Tapped #SFRH Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Stepped and Threaded #HFRM Rotary Shafts/One End Stepped with Retaining Ring Groove #SFRX Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Stepped #HFRQ Rotary Shafts/One End Stepped/Both Ends Tapped #SFRA Rotary Shafts/One End Stepped and Threaded/One End Tapped #SFRD Rotary Shafts/One End Stepped and Threaded #HFRN Rotary Shafts/One End Stepped and Tapped #SFRG Rotary Shafts/One End Stepped/One End Tapped #SFRF Rotary Shafts/One End Stepped #HFRP Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Tapped #HFRW Rotary Shafts/One End Tapped with Key Grooves #SFGT Rotary Shafts/Both Ends Tapped with Key Grooves #SFGW Rotary Shafts/One End Tapped #HFRT Rotary Shafts, Drive Shafts
22 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Fulcrum Pins/Wrench Flats #CBDW Fulcrum Pins/Straight Slot Groove #FCBD Fulcrum Pins/Hex Socket #CBDR Fulcrum Pins/Straight Slot Groove #CBD Fulcrum Pins Cantilever Shafts/For Tension/Idler/ Threaded/w Retaining Ring #FXKA Cantilever Shafts/Flanged/w Threaded End #FXFC Cantilever Shafts/For Tension/Idler/ Threaded/w Tapped End #FXKB Cantilever Shafts/Flanged/w Tapped End #FXEB Cantilever Shafts/Flanged/w Retaining Ring Groove #FXEA Cantilever Shafts/Heavy Load/w Retaining Ring Groove #FXMA Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/Hexagon/ w Threaded End #LXHC Cantilever Shafts/Heavy Load/w Tapped End #FXMB Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/Stepped/ w Threaded End #FXJC Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/ Standard/w Threaded End #FXHC Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/Stepped/ w Tapped End #FXJB Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/Tapped End #FXHB Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/Hexagon/ w Tapped End #LXHB Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/Hexagon/ w Retaining Ring Groove #LXHA Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/Stepped/ w Retaining Ring Groove #FXJA Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Hexagon/Both Ends Threaded #LXCC Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Stepped/Both Ends Threaded #FXDC Cantilever Shafts/Bolt Mount/ Standard/w Retaining Ring #FXHA Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Standard/Both Ends Threaded #FXCC Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Hexagon/ Threaded/w Tapped End #LXCB Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Standard/ Threaded/w Tapped End #FXCB Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Hexagon/ Threaded/w Retaining Ring #LXCA Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Stepped/ Threaded/w Tapped End #FXDB Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Stepped/ Threaded/w Retaining Ring Groove #FXDA Cantilever Shafts/Pilot/Standard/ Threaded/w Retaining Ring Groove #FXCA Cantilever Shafts/Stepped/Both Ends Threaded #FXBC Cantilever Shafts/Standard/Both Ends Threaded #FXAC Cantilever Shafts/Hexagon/Both Ends Threaded #LXAC Cantilever Shafts/Hexagon/Threaded/ w Tapped End #LXAB Cantilever Shafts/Stepped/Threaded/ w Tapped End #FXBB
23 INDEX BY FUNCTION Direct Mount/Standard with Pilot/ Retained #BACR Direct Mount/Standard/Retained #BACA Direct Mount/Unretained #BACN Direct Mount/Compact #BGTN Bearings with Housings Precision Pivot Pins/With Two Retaining Rings/Tapped Ends #CNPP Precision Pivot Pins/D Tolerance Selectable #KCLB Precision Pivot Pins/End Shape Selectable #FCLA Precision Pivot Pins/With Two Retaining Rings/Tapped Ends #CNPR Precision Pivot Pins/Two Set Screw Flats/D-Cut #CLSW Precision Pivot Pins/Flanged/Set Screw Flat #HCLS Precision Pivot Pin Keys #HPK Precision Pivot Pin Keys #CLKG Precision Pivot Pins/Straight/with Set Screw Flat #CLSG Hinge Pins Both Ends Threaded #CLBN Precision Pivot Pins/Both Ends Tapped #CLBM Precision Pivot Pins/Flanged/Tapped #HCLB Precision Pivot Pins/Lock Nut/with Extra Low Hex Socket Head #CLBK Precision Pivot Pins/Flanged/Hex Socket Head/Tapped #CLB2 Precision Pivot Pins/Flanged/Hex Socket Head/Threaded with Lock Nut #CLBR Precision Pivot Pins/Flanged/Threaded with Lock Nut #CLBD Precision Pivot Pins/Flanged/Cotter Pin #HCMG Precision Pivot Pins/Straight/Retaining Rings #CCG Precision Pivot Pins/Flanged/Retaining Ring #HCCG Precision Pivot Pins/Straight/Cotter Pins #CMG Hinge Pins Fulcrum Pins/Low Head/Stepped #CMSG Fulcrum Pins/Hex Head #CBDL Fulcrum Pins
24 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Angular Contact/Deep Groove Ball Bearing/with Pilot #ABGY Angular Contact/Deep Groove Ball Bearing/Flanged Type #ABGC Angular Contact/Flanged Type #ABGE Outer Rings Fixed/T-Shaped #GBGW Outer Rings Fixed #GBGC Side Mount w Undercut/Retained #BGSN Outer Rings Fixed/with Pilot #GBGY Side Mount/Retained #BGSM Block/Double Bearings/Unretained #BGTW Bottom Mount/Double Bearings/ Unretained #BGBW Bottom Mount/Retained #BGBF Block/Retained #BGTK Low Dust Raise Greased/T-Shaped/ Double Bearings #SBW Low Dust Raise Greased/T-Shaped/ Retained #SBG T-Shaped/with Positioning Groove/ Retained #BKHF T-Shaped/Short/Double Bearings/ Retained #BGMW T-Shaped/Double Bearings/with Positioning Groove/Unretained #BKHW L-Shaped/Retained #BGLF T-Shaped/Double Bearings/Unretained #BGHW T-Shaped Extruded Machined/Cost Efficient Product #CBG Low Dust Raise Greased/Double Bearings #SSB T-Shaped/Base Mount/Retained #BGHF Low Dust Raise Greased/Single Bearing #SSBA Config. Length/Long/Double Bearings/ Unretained #BGFR Standard Length/Double Bearings with Pilot/Unretained #BACY Config. Length/Double Bearings with Pilot/Retained #BAFR Config. Length/Double Bearings with Pilot/Unretained #BAFY Standard Length Double Bearings with Pilot/Retained #BACZ Config. Length/Double Bearings/ Unretained #BAF2 Config. Length/Double Bearings/ Retained #BAFC Standard Length/Double Bearings/ Retained #BACB Standard Length/Double Bearings/ Unretained #BACC Short/Double Bearings/Retained #BGCE Thrust Bearings #BGCS
25 INDEX BY FUNCTION One-way Clutches #BHFL Needle Roller Bearings with Thrust Ball Bearings/With Inner Ring #NKXZ Needle Roller Bearings with Thrust Roller Bearings/With Inner Ring #NKXRZ Thrust Needle Roller Bearings #BA04 Thrust Ball Bearings #B511 Heat Resistant/Max Operating Temperature 230Deg.C #KB60 Heat Resistant/Max Operating Temperature 160Deg.C #HHB6 Bearings with Set Screw Shaft Sleeve #TB60 Plastic Bearings/UHMW/PTFE/PEEK #PKB6 EN 1.4301 Equiv. Non-Grease/Non-Oil Ball Bearings for Special Environments #SE60 Low Dust Raise Greased/Double Shielded with Flange #SFLC Low Dust Raise Greased #SBC6 EN 1.4301 Equiv. Ball Bearings #SUB6 Deep Groove/Double Shielded with C3 Clearance #B604 Deep Groove/Single Shielded #B60Z Deep Groove/Double Shielded with Retaining Ring Flange #B605 Deep Groove/Non-Contact Sealed/ Contact Sealed #B60V Deep Groove/Double Shielded with Flange/Stainless Steel #SB6N Deep Groove/Non-Contact-/Contact Sealed/Stainless Steel #SB6D Small/Deep Groove/Non-Contact Sealed/Contact Sealed #B608 Small/Deep Groove/Open #B603 Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded with Flange/Stainless Ball/Cost Efficient Product #CSF Deep Groove/Open #B600 Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded with Flange/Stainless Steel #SFL6 Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded with Flange/Cost Efficient Product #CFL Deep Groove/Double Shielded/ Stainless Steel/Cost Efficient Product #CSB Deep Groove/Double Shielded/ Stainless Steel #SB6Z Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded with Flange #FL60 Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded/ Stainless Steel/Cost Efficient Product #CS6 Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded/ Stainless Steel #SB62 Deep Groove/Double Shielded #B606 Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded/ Cost Efficient Product #CB0 Deep Groove/Double Shielded/Cost Efficient Product #CB6 Small/Deep Groove/Double Shielded #B602 Bearings
26 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Precision Lock Nuts #PLN Fine U Nuts #FUNT Spanner Wrenches for Bearing Nuts #MFK Hard Locking Bearing Nuts #HLB Bearing Lock Nuts/With Tooth Lock Washer #JLN Bearing Covers/Standard/With Seal #BVFC End Caps for Shafts #EDCB Bearing Covers/Round Flange #BVFS Grease Seal Rings #GRSL Bearing Accessories Pillow Blocks/Sheet Metal Housing/ Side Mount #PBTP Pillow Blocks/Sheet Metal Housing/ Flanged #HBTP Take-Ups #HDTK Pilot #HDMC Diamond Shape Flanged/Cast Iron #HDH Bottom Mount/Cast Iron #PDB Square Flanged/Cast Iron #HDF Pillow Blocks/Cast Iron #PDR Diamond Shape Flanged #HBR Flanged/Cast Iron/Economy #CHDF Flanged/Cast Iron/Economy #CHDH Pillow Blocks #PBR Pillow Blocks/Cast Housing/Economy #CPDR Bearing Units Deep Groove Bearings/G Groove/ Stainless Steel #SZG Deep Groove Bearings/U Groove/ Stainless Steel #SZU Self-aligning #B120 Angular Contact/Standard Grade/ Double Row Combination #B70D Deep Groove Ball Bearings/V Groove/ Stainless Steel #SZV Precision Angular Contact/Universal Combination #B70S Angular Contact/Standard Grade/ Single #B702
27 INDEX BY FUNCTION Brackets for Cam Followers #CFBR Brackets for Cam Followers/Block #CMF Roller Followers/Separate/Crown Type #NASR Cam Followers with Brackets/Block/ Retained #CMFF Brackets for Cam Followers/L-Shaped #CMFL Urethane Cam Followers/With Hex Socket/Flat #CFFT Urethane Cam Followers/With Hex Socket/R #CFRA Cam Followers with Brackets/L-Shaped #CMF2 Urethane Cam Followers/Straight Slot/ Flat #CFF2 Urethane Cam Followers/Straight Slot/ R #CFFR Plastic Cam Followers/Press Fit/Flat #CFFU Plastic Cam Followers/Press Fit/R #CFRU Cam Followers/With Resin Roller/Hex Hole/Flat Type/Retaining Ring #CFFH Miniature Cam Followers #CFFA Cam Followers/Solid Eccentric #CFAP Cam Followers/Tapped For Grease Nipple/Flat Type #CFF3 Cam Followers/Tapped For Grease Nipple/CrownType #CFUR Guide Followers #GFR Cam Followers/Flat Type/No Seal #CFR Cam Followers/Crown Type/No Seal #CFU Cam Followers/Hex Socket on Head/ Thread/Crown Type #CUH Cam Followers/Hex Hole/Flat Type/No Seal #CFA Cam Followers/Hex Socket on Head/ Thread/Flat Type #CFAH Cam Followers/Hex Hole/Crown Type/ No Seal #CUA Cam Followers, Roller Followers Bearing Shaft Screws/with Retaining Ring Groove/Stepped #BGSW Bearing Shaft Screws/with Retaining Ring Groove/Bolt #BGPW Precision Hardened Balls/Inch #BLIJ Bearing Shaft Screws/Flanged #BGSP Bearing Shaft Screws #BGP Bearing Spacers/For Inner Ring #CLBP Bearing Lock Nuts/Hexagon Type #BNBM Bearing Spacers/For Outer Ring #CLBS Bearing Lock Nuts/Square Type/Coarse Thread #BNG Bearing Accessories
28 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Couplings/Disc/Stepped/Clamping #CPDD Couplings/High Rigidity Disc/ O.D.40mm #CPAS Couplings/Standard Torque Disc/Set Screw #MCGL Couplings/High Rigidity Disc/O.D. 87mm/One Side Keyless/Both Sides Keyless #CPSN Couplings/High Ridigity Disc/O.D. 87mm/Keyway/Clamping #CPSW Couplings/High Ridigity Disc/O.D. 65mm/Clamping #CPSH Couplings/High Positioning Accuracy Disc/Clamping/Keyway #SCXW Couplings/High Ridigity Disc/O.D. 65mm/Keyless/Clamping #CPAH Couplings/High Rigidity Disc/Clamping #SCPS Couplings/Disc/Clamping #CPDW Couplings/Slit/Setscrew #CPL Couplings/Slit Clamping/Clamping Long/Cost Efficient Product #GSAC Couplings/Slit Set Screw/Clamping Long/Cost Efficient Product #GSAS Couplings/Slit/Clamping #CPLC Couplings/Slit Clamping/Extra Super Duralumin/Clamping Long #CPLX Spacers for Couplings/Oldham #GCO1 Couplings/Oldham/Clamping/Set Screw/Cost Efficient Product #GCO Couplings/Slit/Setscrew #CPCX Coupling Spacers/Oldham/Green/Blue/ (CPO/CPOC/CPOCG) #CPOS Couplings/Oldham/Clamping/Set Screw #CPO Couplings/High Torque Disc Clamping (Single Disc) #MCSS Couplings/High Torque Disc Clamping/ Set Screw (Double Disc)/Cost Efficient Product #GCPW Couplings/High Torque Disc Clamping/ Set Screw (Single Disc)/Cost Efficient Product #GCPS Couplings/High Torque Disc Clamping (Double Disc) #MCSL Shaft Couplings Urethane Roller Followers/Solid/Flat Type #NAUG Roller Follower Pins/Retaining Ring #RFC Roller Follower Pins/Threaded #RFN Urethane Roller Followers/Separate/R #NAUR Urethane Roller Followers/Separate/ Flat Type #NAUT Roller Followers/Separate/Flat Type #NAST Roller Followers/Solid #NART
29 INDEX BY FUNCTION Metal Rollers/With Bearings #RORA Urethane/Rubber Rollers/Straight/ Crowned #ROGA Urethane/Rubber Rollers/With Bearings #RORG Metal Rollers/Straight/Crowned #ROCA Rollers Couplings/Resin Type #MCJN Couplings/Bellows/Setscrew/Clamping #CPB Universal Joints/Keyway/Set Screw #UNKA Universal Joints/Set Pin #UNCA Couplings/Rigid/Split Clamping #CPSR Couplings/Rigid/Clamping #CPRC Couplings/Rigid/Long/Clamping #CPND Couplings/Rigid/Setscrew #CPR Chain Couplings #BHE Couplings/Jaw/Clamping Type #MMJN Couplings/Jaw/Clamping with Key Groove #CPJC N Couplings (Keyless) #CPN Couplings/Jaw/Setscrew with Key Groove #CPJ Couplings/Jaw/Spider #CPJL Couplings/Super Short Oldham/ Clamping Type #SCOC Couplings/Oldham/Blue Set Screw/ Clamping/Green Short Clamping #CPOC Couplings/Sleeved/Set Screw #CPF Couplings/High Rigidity/Oldham/Large Shaft Diameter #MFJG Coupling Spacers/Oldham/Black/Large Shaft Diameter (MFJ/MFJC) #MFJS Couplings/High Rigidity/Oldham/ Clamping Type #MCO1 Couplings/High Rigidity/Oldham/Set Screw Type #MCOG Couplings/Oldham/Large Shaft Diameter #MFJ Couplings/Oldham/Clamping Type #MCOC Coupling Spacers/Oldham/Black/ (MCO/MCOC) #MCOS Couplings/High Torque Disc/Clamping #MCKC Couplings/High Torque Disc/Setscrew #MCKL Couplings/Oldham/Set Screw Type #MCO Couplings/Standard Torque Disc/ Clamping #MCGC Shaft Couplings
30 INDEX BY FUNCTION Important: enter all TYPE CODE in the web search field. i.e. #SFJ, then start the configuration Metal Hollow Rollers/Set Screw (L100~1000) #ROLN Urethane Hollow Rollers/Set Screw #ROLG Metal Hollow Rollers/Bearing Type #RORC Urethane Pipe Rollers with One Way Clutch #ROROW Metal Pipe Rollers with One Way Clutch #ROROWA Metal Hollow Rollers/With Bearings/ Economy #RORE Urethane Hollow Rollers/With Bearings #RORLAK Urethane Hollow Rollers/With Bearings/Economy #ROR1 Metal Hollow Rollers/With Bearings #RORLA Urethane Hollow Rollers/Straight #ROLA Urethane Rollers/Knurled #ULCV Urethane Rollers/Set Screw Holes #UMHA Metal Hollow Rollers/Straight #ROLL Urethane Rollers/with Bonded Bearings #UMJ Urethane Rollers/Knurled/With Set Screw Holes #UMKH Urethane Rollers with Oil Free Bushings #FRTU Conveyor Components #MCRP Urethane Rollers with Collars #UMC Metal Rollers with Oil Free Bushings #FRTA Urethane Rollers/Side Through Hole #ULSH Metal Vertical Guide Rollers #TGR1 Urethane Rollers with Shafts/With Bearings #RORU Urethane Vertical Guide Rollers #TGRU Grooved Urethane Rollers #ROUA Rollers/Key Groove/Straight/Urethane Thickness Selectable #ROGK Rollers/Straight/Set Screw Holes/ Urethane Thickness Selectable #RONG Metal Rollers/Tapped #ROCN Urethane Rollers/Tapped #ROGN Aluminum Rollers/Hollow #AROE Rollers/Press-fit Bearing/Foam Urethane/Rubber Sponge Liner #RORM Plastic Rollers/Press Fit #ROASP Plastic Rollers/Milled #RORPO Rollers/Press-Fit Straight Type #ROMA Urethane Rollers/With Bearings/ Urethane Thickness Selectable #ROER Urethane Rollers/Straight/Urethane Thickness Selectable #ROEG
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