
6 Series / slot width 8 / 50x100mm


Ej färdigt: 4 kandidater hittades.

Skiss och specifikationstabell

Dimensional Drawing

HFS (Standard Type)
NFS (Economy Type)
Aluminum Extrusion - 6 Series, Rectangle, 50 × 100 mm, 3 Slots or More, 4-Side Slots: Related Image
Aluminum Extrusion - 6 Series, Rectangle, 50 × 100 mm, 3 Slots or More, 4-Side Slots: Related Image
6 Series
Aluminum Extrusion - 6 Series, Rectangle, 50 × 100 mm, 3 Slots or More, 4-Side Slots: Related Image
Slot Details
(Common to All Series)
Slot Bottom Details
(HFS, CAF Series)
(GFS Series) (EFS Series) (NEFS, NEFSB, NFSL, GNFS Series) T Slot Dimension Enlarged View of A Enlarged View of A Enlarged View of A Enlarged View of A Aluminum Extrusion - 6 Series, Rectangle, 50 × 100 mm, 3 Slots or More, 4-Side Slots: Related Image
[ ! ] Cut surface and altered parts are not surface treated.
[ ! ] When tapped hole alterations are specified, the red circles on the outline drawing of the aluminum extrusion will be machined.
■The 6 Series
is an aluminum extrusion with an 8 mm slot width. Applicable to M6 bolts.

Configurable Length Extrusion Specification Table

Part NumberL

TypeMaterialSurface TreatmentPart NumberL 0.5 mm IncrementsMass kg/mSectional Area mm2Cross Sectional Moment of Inertia mm4
HFSEN AW-6061-T5 Equiv.Clear AnodizeHFS6-5010050 to 40004.36161442.40 × 104153.5 × 104
HFSEN AW-6061-T5 Equiv.Black AnodizeHFSB6-5010050 to 40004.36161442.40 × 104153.5 × 104
NFSEN AW-6063-T5 Equiv.Clear AnodizeNFS6-5010050 to 40004.36161442.40 × 104153.5 × 104
[ ! ] Extrusions without anodizing are also available.
[ ! ] Applicable to 6,000 mm depending on products.
[ ! ] Not applicable to some extrusions.

Fixed Length Extrusion (Effective Length 4,000 mm) Specification Table

[ ! ] Part numbers beginning with the character "K" indicate Fixed Length Extrusion.
TypeMaterialSurface TreatmentPart NumberLmmSectional Area mm2Cross Sectional Moment of Inertia mm4
HFSEN AW-6061-T5 Equiv.Clear AnodizeKHFS6-501004000161442.40 × 104153.5 × 104
EFSEN AW-6061-T5 Equiv.Black AnodizeKHFSB6-501004000161442.40 × 104153.5 × 104
NFSEN AW-6063-T5 Equiv.Clear AnodizeKNFS6-501004000161442.40 × 104153.5 × 104
[ ! ] An effective Length of 4,000 mm indicates the extrusion with 4,000 mm or more effective length.
The actual length with extra lengths on ends is more than 4000 mm (several tens of mm).
Fixed Length Extrusions need to be cut by users thus the exact length cannot be specified.


[ ! ] MISUMI configurable length aluminum extrusion product can be utilized for structure building with highly enhanced design flexibility when the following various alteration options are applied.
Some alterations are not applicable depending on types and sizes.
TypeAlterationsAlteration CodesApp. ExampleContents
> End TappingEnd Tapping
(Center Hole)
End Tapping (Center Hole)Adds tapped holes on extrusion ends.
Blind Joints which require this alteration
(Screw Joint / Simple Joint)
End Tapping
(4 Side Holes)
LSP/RSP/SPWEnd Tapping (4 Side Holes)Adds tapped holes on extrusion corner ends.
> Cutting Method ChangeHigh Precision CutSCHigh Precision CutApplies High Precision Cut with an overall length tolerance of L±0.2 (Standard = L±0.5).
* Only applicable to L ≤ 1,500
45-Degree CutL□T45/R□T4545-Degree CutCuts with 45-degree angle.
> Drill Wrench HoleWrench Hole in Fixed PositionLWP/RWPWrench Hole in Fixed PositionWrench access hole(s) for Blind Joints are drilled.
The hole location will be aligned with the mating extrusion’s tapped hole location.
Blind Joints which require this alteration
(Screw Joint / Single Joint / Tapping Joint)
Extrusion End Cap
The hole position moves by thickness
FL/FRHole Position Change for Extrusion End Cap ThicknessOffsets the wrench access hole for the thickness of Extrusion End Cap (3 mm).
The extrusion end cap will be flat with the adjacent extrusion surface.
Wrench Hole in Specified PositionAH/BH/AV/BVWrench Hole in Specified PositionAdds a wrench hole in a desired position from the left end.
Use for Blind Jointing in beam sections, etc.
> CounterboringCounterbores in Specified PositionZ6/XA100Counterbores in Specified PositionAdds a counterbored hole in a desired position from the left end.
Can be used for connecting extrusions or installing tables, etc.
> Blind
Dedicated Holes
D HoleLDH/RDHBlind Joint Dedicated Holes (D Hole)Adds required holes for Single Joint connections.
(Single Joints)
S HoleLSHBlind Joint Dedicated Holes (S Hole)Adds required holes for Pre-Assembly. Insertion Double Joint connections.
(Pre-Assembly Insertion Double Joints)
M HoleLMHBlind Joint Dedicated Holes (M Hole)Adds required holes for Post-Assembly Insertion Double Joints, Center Joint connections.
(Post-Assembly Insertion Double Joint / Center Joint)
L HoleJLPBlind Joint Dedicated Holes (L Hole)Adds required holes for Parallel Joint connections.
(Parallel Joints)
> Other MachiningGNFS Series
GFS Series
End Tapping
LTS/RTS/TSWGNFS Series   GFS Series End TappingAdds tapped holes on extrusion ends. This process is required for using extrusion end cap of the high rigidity plate type.
(Plates for High Rigidity Type)
HFSR End TappingLTS/RTS/TSWHFSR End TappingNecessary alteration to use Ends Protection Plates for HFSR series.
End Face C ChamferingCWEnd Face C ChamferingAdds C Chamfering on extrusion ends.
LabelingZZZLabelingAdds a sticker with catalog No. etc. on the aluminum extrusions.
Although number of characters are limited, customer's own serial number or unit number can be labeled.


Antal artiklar
Beställningen pausad
Beställningen pausad

Extrusion Type

Surface Treatment

L Dimension Fixed, Specified

Overall Length L (Effective Length)


Overall Length L


RoHS?Minsta beställningsantal
HFS (Standard)
Clear Anodize
50 ~ 4000
1 stycken
HFS (Standard)
Black Anodize
50 ~ 4000
1 stycken
HFS (Standard)
Clear Anodize
1 stycken
EFS (Lightweight)
Black Anodize
1 stycken
Enhetspris (exklusive MOMS)(Enhetspris inklusive MOMS)
( - )
5 arbetsdagar
( - )
5 arbetsdagar
294.68 €
( 350.67 € )
5 arbetsdagar
397.30 €
( 472.79 € )
5 arbetsdagar

Detaljerad information

Grundläggande information


  • Cutting is free for this product. Please specify the length you prefer.