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Insulok push mount tie offset / fir tree mount small type【100 stycken】


    Förpackning (100 stycken)


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    RoHS?Minsta beställningsantal
    1 förpackningar

    100 stycken

    Enhetspris (exklusive MOMS)(Enhetspris inklusive MOMS)
    30.50 €
    ( 36.30 € )
    5 arbetsdagar

    Detaljerad information

    Grundläggande information

    Although this is an extremely small fir tree, its retraction strength is high making is possible to strongly secure wiring.

    · Used when fixing wiring to a chassis, panel, wall, etc.
    · Onset type - fir tree mount.
    · As with dome type mounting, integrated mounting to a wide range of thicknesses is feasible in addition to preventing water and dust intrusion.
    · A fir tree mount shape compatible with a wide range of plate thicknesses contributes to a reduction in part number.
    Onset type that supports securing wiring right on top of the mounting hole when performing insertion into the panel hole.
    What is meant by “fir tree mount?” A panel-fixing product featuring mount parts that are shaped like a jagged fir tree.
    In addition to being compatible with a wide range of plate thicknesses, this product prevents penetration of water or dust during mounting.
    Additionally it is possible to visually confirm insertion and establish quality management improvements even after panel mounting has been performed, .