Pin Enclosure-PCB / Wire-to-Board / PA. UL94 V-0, PA. UL94V-0 / 1 row / 300V / Basalt grey, Green

Pin Enclosure-PCB / Wire-to-Board / PA. UL94 V-0, PA. UL94V-0 / 1 row / 300V / Basalt grey, Green
  • Volume Discount
・Product type: Pin enclosure-PCB
・Material: PA. UL94 V-0, PA. UL94V-0
・No. of rows: 1
・Nominal voltage(V): 300
・Color: Basalt grey, Green

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0.24 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950025001FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300211.9012.0011.20STL(Z)950STL950/2G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.24 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. horizontal mount-PA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closed-Cathode copper5.08Tin plated50950025021FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300211.9012.0011.36STL(Z)950STLZ950/2G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.24 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950025101FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300211.2015.908.40STL(Z)950STL950/2G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.24 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950025121FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300211.3615.908.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/2G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.24 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Basalt grey--closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950025651F-+105-3010--2-11.2-STLZ950STL950/2G-5.0-V-

0.51 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950029021F-+105-3010--212.1619.0012.00STLZ950STLZ950/2-5.08-H-

0.37 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950035001FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300312.0016.211.90STL(Z)950STL950/3G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.37 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950035021FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300312.0016.4411.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/3G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of the AK(Z) from the side.

0.39 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950035101FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300315.9016.28.40STL(Z)950STL950/3G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.37 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950035121FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300315.9016.448.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/3G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.35 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Basalt grey--closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950035611F-+105-3010--3-16.4-STLZ950STLZ950/3G-5.08-V-

0.32 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Basalt grey--closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950035651F-+105-3010--3-16.2-STLZ950STL950/3G-5.0-V-

0.80 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950039021F-+105-3010--317.2419.0012.00STLZ950STLZ950/3-5.08-H-

0.72 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950039121F-+105-3010--317.2422.508.50STLZ950STLZ950/3-5.08-V-

0.51 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950045001FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300412.0021.211.90STL(Z)950STL950/4G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of the AK(Z) from the side.

0.51 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950045021FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300412.0021.5211.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/4G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of the AK(Z) from the side.

0.49 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950045101FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300415.9021.28.40STL(Z)950STL950/4G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.51 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950045121FPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300415.9021.528.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/4G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.45 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Basalt grey--closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950045611F-+105-3010--4-21.5-STLZ950STLZ950/4G-5.08-V-

0.96 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950049021F-+105-3010--419.0022.3212.00STLZ950STLZ950/4-5.08-H-

0.96 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950049121F-+105-3010--422.3222.508.50STLZ950STLZ950/4-5.08-V-

0.57 €

1 Available 3 Days 5Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950055001EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300512.0026.2011.90STL(Z)950STL950/5G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.63 €

1 Available 3 Days 5Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950055021EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300512.0026.611.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/5G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of the AK(Z) from the side.

0.63 €

1 Available 3 Days 5Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950055101EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300515.9026.208.40STL(Z)950STL950/5G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.61 €

1 Available 3 Days 5Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950055121EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300515.9026.68.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/5G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.57 €

1 Available 3 Days 5Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Basalt grey--closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950055611E-+105-3010--5-26.6-STLZ950STLZ950/5G-5.08-V-

0.76 €

1 Available 3 Days 6Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950065001EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300612.0031.211.90STL(Z)950STL950/6G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.75 €

1 Available 3 Days 6Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950065021EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300612.0031.7611.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/6G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.69 €

1 Available 3 Days 6Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950065101EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300615.9031.28.40STL(Z)950STL950/6G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.73 €

1 Available 3 Days 6Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950065121EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300615.9031.688.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/6G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.75 €

1 Available 3 Days 6Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Basalt grey--closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950065611E-+105-3010--6-31.7-STLZ950STLZ950/6G-5.08-V-

1.53 €

1 Available 3 Days 6Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950069121E-+105-3010--622.5032.488.50STLZ950STLZ950/6-5.08-V-

0.76 €

1 Available 3 Days 7Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950075001EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300712.0036.2011.90STL(Z)950STL950/7G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.77 €

1 Available 3 Days 7Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950075021EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300712.0036.7611.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/7G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of the AK(Z) from the side.

0.77 €

1 Available 3 Days 7Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950075121EPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300715.9036.768.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/7G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.88 €

1 Available 3 Days 8Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950085001DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300812.0041.2011.90STL(Z)950STL950/8G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.96 €

1 Available 3 Days 8Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950085021DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300812.0041.8411.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/8G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.96 €

1 Available 3 Days 8Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950085101DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300815.9041.208.40STL(Z)950STL950/8G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

0.96 €

1 Available 3 Days 8Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950085121DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/300815.9041.848.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/8G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

1.33 €

1 Available 3 Days 10Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950105001DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001012.0051.211.90STL(Z)950STL950/10G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

1.33 €

1 Available 3 Days 10Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950105021DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001012.0052.0011.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/10G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

1.33 €

1 Available 3 Days 10Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950105101DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001015.9051.28.40STL(Z)950STL950/10G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

1.33 €

1 Available 3 Days 10Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950105121DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001015.9052.008.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/10G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

2.89 €

1 Available 3 Days 10Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950109121D-+105-3010--1022.5052.808.50STLZ950STLZ950/10-5.08-V-

1.53 €

1 Available 3 Days 12Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950125001DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001212.0061.2011.90STL(Z)950STL950/12G-5.0-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

1.53 €

1 Available 3 Days 12Plug. horizontal mount-PA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closed-Cathode copper5.08-50950125021DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001212.0062.1611.90STL(Z)950STLZ950/12G-5.08-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

1.53 €

1 Available 3 Days 12Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5-50950125101DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001215.9061.208.40STL(Z)950STL950/12G-5.0-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from above

1.33 €

1 Available 3 Days 12Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCathode copper5.08-50950125121DPA. UL94 V-0--1512 A/15VDE/UL: 250 V/3001215.9062.168.40STL(Z)950STLZ950/12G-5.08-VVertical. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from top.

1.53 €

1 Available 3 Days 12Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Basalt grey--closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950125611D-+105-3010--12-62.2-STLZ950STLZ950/12G-5.08-V-

3.11 €

1 Available 3 Days 12Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy5.08-50950129021D-+105-3010--1219.0062.9612.00STLZ950STLZ950/12-5.08-H-

0.39 €

1 Available 3 Days 3Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy7.62-50960035121EPA. UL94 V-0+105-301512400315.9022.868.40STLZ960STLZ960/3G-7.62-VMulti-pin connector. vertical

0.51 €

1 Available 3 Days 4Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy7.62-50960045121EPA. UL94 V-0+105-301512400415.9030.488.40STLZ960STLZ960/4G-7.62-VMulti-pin connector. vertical

0.72 €

1 Available 66 Days 6Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy7.62-50960065121DPA. UL94 V-0+105-301512400615.9045.728.40STLZ960STLZ960/6G-7.62-VMulti-pin connector. vertical

0.96 €

1 Available 3 Days 8Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy7.62-50960085121DPA. UL94 V-0+105-301512400815.9060.968.40STLZ960STLZ960/8G-7.62-VMulti-pin connector. vertical

1.33 €

1 Available 3 Days 10Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy7.62-50960105021DPA. UL94 V-0+105-3015124001012.0076.2011.40STLZ960STLZ960/10G-7.62-HMulti-pin connector. vertical

1.33 €

1 Available 3 Days 10Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy7.62-50960105121DPA. UL94 V-0+105-3015124001015.9076.208.40STLZ960STLZ960/10G-7.62-VMulti-pin connector. vertical

1.53 €

1 Available 3 Days 12Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy7.62-50960125021DPA. UL94 V-0+105-3015124001212.0091.4411.40STLZ960STLZ960/12G-7.62-HMulti-pin connector. vertical

0.28 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)-Tin platedCathode copper3.50-51550025001FPA. UL94V-0+105-30109 A/ 8VDE/UL: 160 V/30029.2010.508.40STL(Z)1550STL1550/2G-3.5-HPin strip/connector. horizontal

0.28 €

1 Available 3 Days 2Plug. horizontal mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Parallel (to the PCB)-Tin platedCathode copper3.81-51550025025FPA. UL94V-0+105-30109 A/ 8VDE/UL: 160 V/30029.2010.509.01STL(Z)1550STLZ1550/2G-3.81-HHorizontal. plug-in direction of AK(Z) from the side.

0.28 €

1 Available 66 Days 2Plug. vertical mountTin platedPA 6.6Green-Perpendicular (to the PCB)closedTin platedCopper alloy3.81-51550025125FPA. UL94V-0+105-3010916029.0112.607.00STL(Z)1550STLZ1550/2G-3.81-VMulti-pin connector. vertical


Basic information

Connection (components) Print Connectors wire-to-board Industrial goods No
Nominal voltage(V) 300 No. of rows 1 Product type Pin enclosure - PCB
RoHS-compliant Yes

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