Manufacturer part number: C3BAT01
Price: 478.46 €
Delivery time: 5 Days
Customs tariff — weight: 0.129 kg
Customs tariff weight: - kg
Customs tariff — weight per: 1
Machine-side holder size / Coupling size: -
Customs tariff weight unit: -
Part Number
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Part Number
C3BAT01 |
Part Number |
Standard Unit Price
| Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Customs tariff — weight (kg) | Customs tariff weight (kg) | Customs tariff — weight per | Machine-side holder size / Coupling size | Customs tariff weight unit | Grade | Customs tariff — weight unit | Customs tariff — item number | eClass-5.1 | Type | External or internal machining | Manufacturer | Customs tariff weight Pro | Customs tariff — country of origin | Customs tariff article number | Max. drilling depth | Customs tariff country of origin | |
478.46 € | 1 | 5 Days | 0.129 | - | 1 | - | - | n/a | kg | 84669360 | 21029112 | Plugs | - | SANDVIK Coromant | - | DE | - | - | - |
This page is SANDVIK Assembly Item, part number C3BAT01.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number C3BAT01.
Basic Attributes
Customs tariff weight(kg)
Machine-side holder size / Coupling size
Customs tariff weight unit
External or internal machining
Customs tariff weight Pro
Customs tariff article number
Max. drilling depth
Customs tariff country of origin
Customs tariff — weight(kg)
Customs tariff — weight per
Customs tariff — weight unit
Customs tariff — item number
Customs tariff — country of origin
Filter by standard shipping days
Optional Attributes
Part Number |
148C84022 |
17038001M |
1703800M |
C3WDT01M |
C4AL01 |
C4AMT01 |
Part Number | Standard Unit Price | Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Standard Shipping Days ? | Customs tariff — weight (kg) | Customs tariff weight (kg) | Customs tariff — weight per | Machine-side holder size / Coupling size | Customs tariff weight unit | Grade | Customs tariff — weight unit | Customs tariff — item number | eClass-5.1 | Type | External or internal machining | Manufacturer | Customs tariff weight Pro | Customs tariff — country of origin | Customs tariff article number | Max. drilling depth | Customs tariff country of origin |
30.00 € | 1 | 5 Days | - | 0.044 | - | - | kg | - | - | - | 21019107 | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | - | 82041100 | - | DE | ||
36.31 € | 1 | 5 Days | - | 0.01 | - | - | kg | - | - | - | 21019107 | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | - | 84669360 | - | DE | ||
34.54 € | 1 | 5 Days | - | 0.003 | - | - | kg | - | - | - | 21019107 | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | - | 84669360 | - | DE | ||
190.77 € | 1 | 5 Days | 0.185 | - | 1 | - | - | n/a | kg | 82055980 | 21029112 | Extraction tool | - | SANDVIK Coromant | - | DE | - | - | - | ||
187.69 € | 1 | 5 Days | - | 0.051 | - | - | kg | - | - | - | 21029112 | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | - | 84669360 | - | DE | ||
1,196.92 € | 1 | 5 Days | - | 0.62 | - | - | kg | - | - | - | 21029112 | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | - | 82055980 | - | DE |